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 Edinburghshire &  
 Firth of Forth


Firth of Forth branch

This page sets out information that we have found about the Firth of Forth branch of Fairholm in Scotland.

So far, we have 208 people on this tree. 


Early family

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash
At the top of this branch are William Fairholm and Margaret Drummond who married in Haddingtonshire 1717. They had four boys from 1718-1724, all in Edinburgh. Their fourth son, Adam Farm / Ferme born about 1724, married Mary Crookston / Crookstoun / Coustan, in 1744 at Pencaitland, Edinburghshire. They had two daughters, and a son who married Marion / Mary Clarkson / Clerkson in1769 at Duddingston, Edinburghshire. Their descendants spread along both sides of the Firth, and some emigrating to the USA.

Several lines had surname variations, but in the 1700s, one of the lines narrowed down to Ferm/e by the early 1800s, but finally settled down as Farms.
